• Rebrand an existing alcohol brand and recreate the bottle packaging with bespoke elements and storytelling.

Kasama Rum

about The brand

About kasama rum

Kasama is a small batch rum company founded by Alexandra Dorda. It is meant to be a carefree, optimistic, good-vibe island rum that embraces Dorda’s Filipino heritage.

The challenge

Kasama’s label struggles to set itself apart from its competitors and fully embrace its Filipino roots.


mid-tier: malibu rum

Kasama is a small batch rum company founded by Alexandra Dorda. It is meant to be a carefree, optimistic, good-vibe island rum that embraces Dorda’s Filipino heritage.

high-tier: Don Papa Rum

Kasama’s label struggles to set itself apart from its competitors and fully embrace its Filipino roots.

bacalod city, philippines


Since this rum is sourced from the finest Philippine noble cane, we looked to Bacolod City for inspiration, the Philippine sugar cane capital. The brand name ‘Kasama’ was also a point of inspiration for research.

Kasama means “Together”


Bacolod City is known for its annual festival “MassKara” meaning “many faces”. A celebration that aims to bring joy to the community. This is how the idea of “The Companion Spirit” came to be.


To fully immerse in the idea of “The Companion Spirit,” the design for the new ‘Kasama’ packaging pulls from elements of the MassKara festival that takes place in Bacolod City. The festival is known for its array of colorful costumes and electric parade at night.

rebrand solutions

  1. Icon inspired by the masks seen at the MassKara festival

  2. Typography symbolic of the various members of the community

  3. Colors pull from the bright bold costumes

  4. Illustrative elements designed with brand values in mind

Mid tier solution

  1. Playful attitude

  2. Typography symbolizes community

  3. Colors inspired by MassKara

  4. Geared toward millennials

High tier solution

  1. Focus on “MassKara”

  2. Duotone bottle emphasizes the idea of “many faces” & the night/day aspect of the festival

  3. Inspiration from costume